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The Power of NO
A few years ago the large W that spelled NOW in white painted letters, fell off the window sill and broke in two. At the time I was struggling, everything seemed to be crumbling around me, I felt panicked and...

Meditation helps in practical ways
I love meditation. It has helped me through my darkest times, and is always there to ground and balance me when I need it. It’s free and it’s wonderful and I think everyone should try it at least once. Spending twenty...

How to be grateful when life sucks...
In these crazy times in which we live, we have somehow come to believe that life should be easy and that we deserve for things to go our way. And if they’re not there is something wrong with us and...

Can Women be Silver Foxes?
Okay, so I'm at the hairdresser wasting yet another 120 minutes of my precious life with toxic chemicals on my head looking at my face in the bright lights and thinking for the 100th time about letting my hair go...

Grounding - What the rock taught me
I learned about grounding and being present in my body from a trusted and wise friend who came to me in the form of a ten foot high rock at the end of Karitane Beach on the south coast of...

Stop, look and listen
Some things are just infinitely sad. And they always will be. We all have memories that are sad and traumatic so we tiptoe around them, shut them out, or actively run away from them. And that's as it should be....

Our mother...
Our Mother beneath our feet blessed be your name. Your wisdom come, your love be felt on earth that we can make it a heaven. Give us today our daily compassion, and forgive us loving ourselves too little....

Why can't life just be easy?
And it might be that this act of loving ourselves in the depth of our pain could, in some way we cannot understand, relieve the suffering of those around us.,and of the world.

What the rock told me...
When we moved back to New Zealand from New York in 2009 two fantails made their nest in the sycamore tree at the end of our driveway. We delighted in watching the playful birds construct their nest, and then guard...